
Check out some of our success stories!

Monica Nguyen

Jamie has reignited my love for fitness and exercise. I have a healthier, positive mental attitude to food, boosted my confidence and lost 7kg in the process.

l have pushed myself further than ever before - from participating in 3x5k charity runs, regularly running 5k in the park run weekly, and l now walk 2 hours a day and have now learnt how to cycle.

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Jamie Vuong
John Choi

Jamie is friendly, easily approachable but is also very professional at what he does. His passion to personally train and guide you to improve always makes you feeling satisfied after each session and it shows how much he values you as a client.

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Jamie Vuong
Zareen Ahmed

I am noticeably fitter and stronger, my levels of cardio have improved, and I've found myself pushing and pulling more than ever. Never in my imagination did I think that I could do pull ups, dips or weighted chin ups, which I have achieved with Jamie due to his approach of always reviewing your weights and exercises to ensure your body is always being challenged and adapting.

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Jamie Vuong
Shana Ray

The change in my body image and my confidence, both in the gym, and in my daily life has been incredible. I now have the motivation and confidence to go to the gym and do my training without feeling anxious.

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Jamie Vuong
Priscilla Lam

For anyone who is thinking of joining, definitely go for it! Whether you're just starting your fitness journey or are already quite experienced, whether your goal is weight loss or to bulk up, having a PT is great and it's really about having the good rapport and someone you can trust. For me, it acts as reassurance - ensuring my form and technique is correct, as well as looking for ways to progress and become better.

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Jamie Vuong
Norbert Cipak

The best part of my training was that I had someone who listen to me what I actually say and how I do and in the same time giving me advices and teach me how to correct all the mistakes I’ve made on this path. My nutrition is the biggest issue and now i have self control and I am more aware what I eat or how much I should eat at all without cutting food I love to eat.

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Jamie Vuong
Syed Shahrukh Hasan

It has been an absolute privilege to have Jamie as my trainer. I started with absolutely zero knowledge of how fitness and nutrition works.

By the time I finished, Jamie had changed my mentality about fitness and especially my relationship with food. Having a consistent routine regarding healthy food intake and training changed me for the better.

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Jamie Vuong
Jolita Gunter

I feel way better now - my mood is better, I have more energy, I feel happy and it is easier to wake up in the morning. I eat healthier. Training helps me to reduce stress and I love to see results. Sessions with Jamie is very fun as well. I love the way Jamie always pushing me to do more, to lift heavier, to eat healthier.

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Jamie Vuong
Mohammed Khan

Training with Jamie has been a blast. He is incredibly informative - he will answer any questions you have, and he will go above and beyond the call of duty to find a regime best fit for you. I have learnt a great deal training with Jamie. He also has a great sense of humour and I look forward to going to each session - something I didn't think I would.

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Jamie Vuong
Jean-Phillipe Boriau

We worked together for a year with a 6 month break as I was away, he gave me great tips and crafted a special program to work on my own using mainly my body weight. I can’t believe what we achieved together and am so excited to keep on seeing my body changing, evolving to a better version of myself!

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Jamie Vuong
Ricky Sidhu

Jamie tailored my programme to my schedule, which I really liked. He was very responsive, proactive (especially when sending on articles of interest) and made sure that there was a good amount of variety in the workouts. He pushed me when I needed it, and did let me slide on times when I just had too much going on. I felt, overall, that he really treated me like I was one of your most valued clients and that was fantastic.

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Jamie Vuong
Minhaj Chaudhury

In only 3 months, I decreased my body fat percentage from 22% all the way down to 13.1%. Before I started training I was 70.8kg and my goal was to get to 65kg. Jamie surpassed all expectations and got me down to 63.9kg. I would have never imagined that I would have achieved my goal as fast as I did.

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Jamie Vuong
Satty Khangura

For anyone thinking of joining, I would say go for it you have nothing to lose, however you have to give as much as you get. Jamie has a great attitude to make the experience fun and beneficial, however you are only going to be as successful as your own levels of motivation. That said Jamie will definitely give you the tools to be successful.

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Jamie Vuong
Frim Ofori-Boadu

The best part of training was seeing progression. I’m getting stronger with every session, my knowledge of the gym and fitness/health in general has improved.

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Jamie Vuong
Fanny Prugnieres

Where I appreciate Jamie the most is his ability to motivate me to become the best version of myself. There were many times where I was hesitant in lifting, in my mind, really heavy weight. However, Jamie always believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I am now proud to announce that my personal best for squats is 60kg! If it wasn’t for Jamie, I would never imagine myself achieving this amazing feat.

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Jamie Vuong
Georgi Rupanov

Before I started training with Jamie, I was not energised and not really confident about what am I doing in gym. Now I feel higher tonus, energized and confident. The best part of training was when I felt the progression and got more motivated.

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Jamie Vuong